Why Do We Still See A Tale Of 2 Seasons, In 2020?
Fifty - five years, after President Lyndon Johnson signed the, then - groundbreaking, Civil Rights legislation, we continue to witness, a nation, too often, divided, along racial, ethnic, and/ or, socio - economic lines! What would the visionary, Founding Fathers, who formed a nation, supposedly based on freedom, liberty, and justice for all, think? Recently, Governor Andrew Cuomo, of New York, reminded us, of the reference, of his father, Mario, in 1984, to how, America remains a story, of, A Tale of 2 Cities, and, how, we are way past time, to simply shower, best wishes, and declarations of support, etc! Instead, we need, well - considered, relevant, sustainable laws, and a changing mindset, where, instead of judging people by the color of their skin, religious beliefs, and/ or socio - economic position, or political views, we remain true to the apparent intent of these Constitutional guarantees! We are experiencing, challenging times, and a degree of discord, and polarization, which most of us have never witnessed, before. With that in mind, this article will attempt to, briefly, consider, examine, review, and discuss, 5 examples/ areas, where there seems to be considerable, systemic issues.
1. Economic/ employment: There are considerable disparities between racial groups, in terms of average wages, percentage of employed (unemployment rate), quality of these jobs, and economic opportunities. Politicians have, for decades, proclaimed, there is a need, to change these things, but, it has achieved little, in terms of addressing a major systemic challenge! We need well - considerable, planned, viable solutions, instead of empty rhetoric and promises!
2. Educational: There is no simple solution to the obvious gap, in educational opportunities, and, in many cases, quality. Studies indicate, schools in many poorer areas, are far more overcrowded, and with lower positive results. Instead of throwing money, at the problem, which rarely achieves objectives, we need to re - think how we educate our youth!
3. Housing: Throughout, this nation, there are wealthy communities, as well as extremely poor ones, and many housing complexes, with unsafe, unclean, deteriorating conditions. Instead of empty rhetoric, we need viable solutions, to address the need for affordable, quality, safe housing, combined with economic and educational measures, to positively, reverse and address the historic trend, and associated challenges!
4. Justice, and law enforcement: While the practice of Stop and Frisk, is a challenging, complex one, the major flaw, is it targets certain, specific, minority groups, in its enforcement! The unfortunate reality is both, law enforcement, and our judicial system, fail minority communities! Statistically, a far higher percentage of members of minorities, are arrested, and convicted, for the same crimes, as corresponding, others. They are jailed, more often, incarcerated, in poorer jails, and serve longer - terms, for similar offenses. Unfortunately, many feel unsafe, in evenings, in the street, simply because of the color of their skin!
5. Health care/ diseases: Lacking quality insurance, visiting physicians, as - needed, and preventing a variety of diseases, also, generally, impacts certain groups, to a far higher extent, than others.
It's way, past time, for us, to bring - about, a fairer, more - just, system, which, at least, reduced this disparity, between people. If, we hope, to create a better way, we need to proceed, forward, to create a more representative approach!
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